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Custom Template

Example https://github.com/buttahtoast/helmize/tree/main/examples/example-customization

You can implement your own render template. The render template constructs the output YAML when templating the entire structure.


General configuration for a Render Template.


Here’s a minimalstic Renderer Template to get started.

{{- define "render.template" -}}
  {{- range $wagon := $.train.wagons -}}

   {{/* Render Logic */}}

   {{/* Include Default Wagon Render Template (If you still want to use our template) */}}
   {{- include "helmize.entrypoint.templates.render.wagon" (dict "wagon" $wagon "ctx" $.ctx) -}}

  {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}


An Identifier template receives the following context (Values Change per File):




In the helmize.yaml which template we want to use ():

The identifier calls the default identifier template first. Then it’s checked if there’s a field set in the content of a file called super_identifier. If that’s true, the value of said field is matched against a dns-1123 regex. If the regex matches, the value is set as only identifier for the file, overwriting all the other identifiers. A debug message is added indicating, that a super identifier was assigned. If the regex does not match, an error is thrown. If the field super_identifier is not set, nothing happens.

{{- define "customization.render.template" -}}
  {{- range $wagon := $.train.wagons -}}

{{/* Validate Annotations */}} {{- if (get (default dict $wagon.content.metadata.labels) "render") -}} {{- $_ := set $wagon "render" false -}} {{- end -}}

{{/* Include Default Wagon Render Template */}} {{- include "helmize.entrypoint.templates.render.wagon" (dict "wagon" $wagon "ctx" $.ctx) -}}

{{- end -}} {{- end -}}

Once the render template is created we need to reference in the configuration:

render_template: "customization.render.template"
  - name: "resources"
    any: true
  - name: "additional"
    any: true