Flags are given as values
--set helmize_file=<string>
Define a custom location for the helmize configuraiton file. The path is realtiv to the chart root directory.
helm template . --set helmize_file=custom.yaml
--set helmize.force=<bool>
The Force flag is useful when you have errors while templating, but want to skip the errors:
Found errors, please resolve those errors or use the force option (--set helmize.force=true):
- error: No Kind Defined
- super
renderer: customization.renderers.sidecar
This flag can also be set in the configuration
--set show_config=<bool>
Just prints the resulting config, for validation if you use templating:
helm template . --set show_config=true
# Source: example-customization/templates/deploy.yaml
benchmark: false
- allow_root: true
name: resources
- allow_root: true
sample: data
default: resources
subpath: false
name: additional
- customization.renderers.additional
debug: false
file_config_key: metadata.helmize
- .yaml
- .yml
- .tpl
force: false
global: {}
helmize: {}
helmize_file: ""
identifier_template: customization.identifier.template
inventory_directory: structure/
global: {}
render_template: customization.render.template
- customization.renderers.sidecar
- customization.renderers.env
show_config: false
summary: false
--set summary=<bool>
For such cases we have a summary which summarizes overything that happened during the helmize processing.
You can display the summary via values:
helm template . --set summary=true
You can include the summary template, which returns the summary as YAML:
{{- $summary := fromYaml (include "inventory.render.func.summary" $) -}}
This way you could further process the output of helmize or eg. generate a good overview in the NOTES.txt
of your chart.
--set debug=<bool>
You can see extended information in the summary by adding the debug flag (not the helm debug flag):
helm template . --set summary=true --set debug=true
If you want to include more information, when the debug
flag is set to true
, you can include the following statement. This template will return true
if the debug flag was set:
include "inventory.entrypoint.func.debug" $.ctx
This should improve the experience and help you to debug your own templates.
--set benchmark=<bool>
Templates benchmarks for different checkpoints. This can be combined with the summary flag. Mainly for development purposes.