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Conditions translate into paths where files are looked up based on given values which are relevant for deployment. Conditions are declared as list, based on the order the files are looked up and merged.


Each condition can have the followin configurations.



Type string

Used across helmize to reference to condition.



Type string

Path to the value in the user delivered values which is used as key to lookup. The key is relative the Values ($.Values) and therefor must be within the Values.



Type slice Default [ "string", "slice" ]

Define the types the key must have. For example if you only want to allow a single value, the type should be string. Types you can use are documented here:



Type boolean

The declared key must have a value. If no value is given the templating fails.



Type string

If the declared key does not contain a value, this default value will be used. The default value will be set the key if not set, so it’s available via the Values.



Type string

The path defines under which directory path the given values for the condition are looked up. If no path is given, the condition’s name is used as path. Note that the path is complementary to the inventory_directory



Type string/slice

Filter keylist for values that are allowed values. The filter is executed against all inputs for this condition. If a value does not match the filter, an error is created for this condition. You can use regex patterns. The allow_root is not affected by any filter and will always be added. The default value will also be added to the filter, if set.



Type boolean Default false

Consider any file in any subpath in the condition directory (Adding / as path).



Type slice

Post Renderers are helm templates which are executed after all the files are merged. Read More. On Conditions the post renderer is only run on files which originate from this condition. This also includes the case, if the file is merged with an existing file, the post renderer will be transfered on the merged file and is then executed. The Post Renderers are executed in given order. Post Renderers given by conditions are always executed before the general Post Renderers. Based on condition order the Post Renderers are appended on condition basis.



Type <SharedFileConfiguration>

You can define file configurations for the entire condition. The file configurations are applied for all files in the directory of this condition. If

Condition Data

It’s possible to give specific data with a condition. The data for the condition is then available for all files matching this condition and will be preserved for files which are rendered after this condition applied.

Conditions are validated before the file lookup happens. Therefor all resulting data from conditions is available for each file, no matter the order of the files or conditions.



Type map

Define static data which will be availble for templating.


Using templates might have a decrease in performance as consequence. Calling the sprig tpl functions tends to be a bit slow. However it might be a worthy trade-off for certain scenarios


Type list

With this parameter it’s possible to reference template files which are executed. Their output is treated as data and merged with the existing data key. Note that this is treated as regex, not absolut path. If a template does not result in valid YAML an error will be thrown and the condition is not applied. The templates are executed in order of definition. Data from previous templates as available the following templates, see the templating context ()